Friday 24 August 2007

Diet Food Health Product

ianski - Tapping Into the Web's Conversation

General Diet Food Health Products

There are a lot of general diet programs out there they recommend certain types of diet food for weight loss. Some of these diet food health products promote maintaining weight loss, while others focus on dieting for quick results that do not promote a healthy diet for life. These programs have not created their own diet food health products to sell, but they encourage particular kinds of foods that can be bought in stores.

The Mediterranean Diet is a non-commercial diet program that promotes following the traditional diets from the people living in countries such as Greece and Southern Italy where people have higher life-expectancy rates and much lower incidences of chronic diseases. The diet food health products encouraged by this diet include fish, grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, and olive oil. This diet is meant to be followed for a lifetime, encouraging healthy eating habits that can become a lifestyle for healthy weight loss.

The cabbage soup diet, however, is only meant to last seven days because it does not promote a healthy eating lifestyle. It is based on eating as much cabbage soup as desired, along with a different food, as directed, each day. This diet is very restrictive about what diet food health products can be consumed. It includes a cabbage soup based on a given recipe, along with certain fruits, vegetables, beef, milk, and fruit juices.

Commercial Diet Food Health Products

Many diet programs have turned commercial, and created their own diet food health products that support the nutritional requirements of their programs so that dieters can maintain a lifetime weight control diet. The most well-known commercial diet programs that have created their own diet food health products include the South Beach Diet and Zone Diet. Atkins Diet also sells its own products to help dieters follow their low carb diet. Weight Watchers and L.A. Weight Loss are two programs that have clinics, but also sell their own diet food health products. These products are meant for lifelong diets to keep dieters at their goal weight. They can be found at grocery stores, nutrition stores, and the diet clinics.

Commercial Programs Supporting General Diet Food Health Products

The commercial weight loss diet programs do not restrict dieters to eating only their commercial diet food health products. While the programs create these products so that dieters have an easier time making decisions in their food choices, these weight loss programs also suggest general diet food health products that dieters can get at grocery stores and that support the nutritional requirements of their weight loss diet programs.

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