Friday 17 August 2007

Smoothwall Express 3.0 RC1 Released

For those wishing to offload chores of firewall and pest control to a machine that will do the job and not have local machines slowed with less than effective solutions, Smoothwall Express is just what is called for.

Changes are many, including support for some SATA solutions, a 64bit solutions (for those with lots of money, or really big networks), and better graphical interface.

New features and repaired items from the beta are :

Final changes to the theme graphics to incorporate the polar bear silhouette, including the bootscreen.
Added missing page descriptions.
Added support for empty hostnames in Dynamic DNS pages.
MySmoothWall integration.
Build system: Now uses hosts resolve.conf instead of Makefile variables.
Runtime kernel now has DMA support for all supported IDE chipsets. Added bridging module (but no tools) for people who want to work with bridging.
Various version bumps (clamav, pciutils, ethotool).
Added ISC DHCP integration option to dnsmasq, but no UI.
Fixed timed access rules so they are applied to proxy access too.
Added support for setting the NTP servers that the DHCP server will supply to clients. DHCP server now marks itself as “authorative”.
Fixes to logrotate.
Cycling networking interfaces now should work as expected.
Fixed type in multicast block advanced networking smoothd code so it works.
Fixed problem with migration from 2.0 which could result in bad permissions on settings files.
Hostname can now only contain valid chars to stop the situation where you could set a hostname that would be incompatible to squid.
Minor fixes to the networking probe setup code.
Added support for the VT8237A VIA SATA chip.
Added NTTP over SSL and SMTP over SSL to the Email and News port list.
Updated autorun HTML page so it looks supercool.
5 minute “stayup” should now properly reboot the smoothie.
ISO now contains the install manual.
Swap sized according to the amount of RAM.
Fix for conflict between RED DHCP and PURPLE.
VPN should now show as running on the status page.
Widended setup password entry from 20 to 25 chars.
Added support for more gigabit nics.
Only 5 realtime graphs/bars shown to stop browser meltdown.
IM proxy should now support MSN 7.5 and Messenger Live.
Added Conexant ADSL PCI support.
Fixed UPnP support by switching to miniunpd.
Online help and glossary is now complete.
Fixed problems with Editing port-based rules.
The “Other” system log viewer has been renamed “System” logs.
Mail log viewer should now work properly.
Fixed missing setup user’s password “hole” and made shadow file properly match user list.
Removed un-used files and debug messages etc. Cleaned up smoothd plugins so they look into settings files instead of using silly touch files.
NTP now listens on PURPLE.
Dynamic DNS should work again.
Slashes now allowed in PPP usernames and passwords to fix problems with some ISPs.
Cleanups of install and setup code. Also changed probing so it will not re-probe from the top of the list after adding a NIC.
Low-spec support is fixed. We’ve compiled and tested Sammy on a P166(MMX!) with 64meg of RAM. To avoid confusion, the ISO filename and internal architecture for 32bit machines is now called i386.
Registration on PPP machines is fixed.
Snort restarting on PPP machines is fixed.
Syncing SpeedTouches on boot should work now.
Problems with some SCSI cards should be fixed (also: some kernel memory is saved on IDE machines cos unused driver parts are not loaded anymore).
Kernel is updated to
Smoothie beeps again! Also added EHCI USB, and TUN/TAP modules, but neither are ever loaded at present.

This is a release candidate, which to this team is like a Service Pack 1 to Microsoft, so it should be very solid.

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